Opportunities to Participate in
Upcoming Capital Projects
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for Ozarks Actors Theatre will be received by Cindy Beger at the office of Investment Realty, INC at 1703 North Bishop Ave.; Rolla, MO 65401 until 2:30 pm CST October 2, 2024. Bids will then be privately opened. Each bid shall include a five percent (5%) bid security in the form of a bid bond executed by the bidder and an approved Surety Company.
The Ozarks Actors Theatre consists of renovations and alterations of the existing two-story building at 612 N. Pine Street in downtown Rolla. The upper floor will consist of apartments and lower level will consist of scene shop, multipurpose room, box office, restrooms and lobby space.
The Information for Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Plans, Specifications, and Forms of Bid Bond, Performance and Payment Bond, and other contract documents may be examined starting on September 6, 2024 from: ADS American Document Solutions, 1400 Forum Boulevard Suite 7A, Columbia, MO 65203. Sets are available for a refundable deposit and are available digitally at www.adsplanroom.net/projects/public. For more information, please contact Project Manager Jared Younglove at Paragon Architecture, 417-885-0002, extension 1003, or by email at: younglove@paragon-architecture.com.
Ozark Actors Theatre is an Equal Opportunity Employer. MBE, WBE and Small Enterprise bidders are encouraged to bid.
The Owner reserves the right to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder and to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality or to reject all bids. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of twenty (20) days.
All bidders must provide a sworn affidavit affirming participation in a federal work authorization program and stating that the bidder does not knowingly employ any person who is not authorized to work in the U.S. The contractor must comply with statutory regulations as referred to in the project manual. This project is tax exempt. State of MO Prevailing wage does not apply to this project.
A Pre-Bid Conference will be held September 12, 2024 at 8:00 am, at 612 N. Pine Street; Rolla MO. This meeting is strongly recommended for all prime bidders and for all subcontractors. Substantial Completion: All work for this project shall be substantially complete by April 18, 2025. Final Completion: All work for this project shall achieve final completion by June 13, 2025.
Ozark Actors Theatre (OAT) is requesting quotations for a contractor to apply a layer gypsum cement underlayment to prepare 614 N. Pine Street in Rolla for further renovation. The full request for quotation and related documents can be downloaded from tinyurl.com/OATbidlink, or requested by emailing bids@ozarkactorstheatre.org.
Questions or requests to tour the site may be directed to bids@ozarkactorstheatre.org. All quotations must be received by OAT by 5PM on Sep 17, 2024. This project is funded by a federal grant, and respondents must certify that they meet the requirements listed in a Vendor Screening Agreement.
Ozark Actors Theatre is an equal opportunity employer and encourages disadvantaged businesses and individuals to submit quotations.